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The May 15th is a date marked in red on the calendar of every Gubbio. It is the day of the religious festival of Gubbio (PG).

The origins of this festival are rooted in centuries. Some scholars date it back to the pagan ceremonies in honor of the goddess Ceres. Still others speculate the 1154 celebrations after the victory of Gubbio against 11 allied cities. But the most likely hypothesis, as well as the same beloved by Gubbio, is attributable to the figure of Ubaldo Badassini , Bishop of Gubbio in the twelfth century and today the patron saint of the city, St.


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April 25th bridge Umbria

25_aprile_2012The April 25 , Anniversary of the Liberation of Italy also known asLiberation Day , is a celebration with a strong cultural and political but it is also one of the first days of spring holidays where you can often take advantage of a few days of “bridge” to take a short vacation or a trip out of town.


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Easter in UmbriaPasqua1

Easter is always a good excuse to get away and find some new destination, or to return a second time if the first made his mark … maybe with some variation on the theme! What better time to witness the rebirth of the hills of the green heart of Italy?Undoubtedly the spring! Spend Easter in Umbria is indeed an excellent opportunity to experience and learn about the villages, monuments and traditions that characterize the region in this period, the procession on Good Friday, the various events typical of Easter Sunday!

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Bridge May 1 Umbria

qwOn May 1 , Labor Day or Feast of Workers , is a celebration shared by many countries and born as a celebration of achievements by workers through the exercise of their rights.

In Italy the feast falls a few days after the April 25 Bridge and in a few years, thanks to the “happy coincidence” of the two parties, you can take advantage of a few days off to take a break of several days.

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The Infiorate Spello

infiorata-spelloSpello (PG) each year, during the procession of Corpus Domini , hostsInfiorate Spello which, as its name indicates, floral arrangements are made ​​by real artists, represented figurations and ornamental motifs liturgici.La transformation from simple flowers spread on the pavement a real “carpets” and floral paintings came around the nineteenth century.However, the true artistic evolution can be traced back to 1930 , when a woman on the street drew a simple floral with broom and fennel

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The Feast of Corpus Christi in Orvietopartita_a_scacchi_ma_dfbc31

As every year on the occasion of the feast of Corpus Christi (Body of the Lord, second Sunday after Pentecost, 9th after Easter, ed), Orvieto relives the solemnity of the ceremony, both religious and purely popular. A “menar dances” is the Procession of the Ladies , the Saturday afternoonbefore, around 16:30, which proposes an insight imagery of medieval life: the nobles of the territories subject, arrived in town to march in the parade, were followed by numerous ladies and courtiers. And in honor of the first organized the mayor of the representations in the square dances to medieval songs, performances by flag bearers to those of hawkers.
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2nd June Umbria09240032

After the bridge on April 25 and May 1, the bridge on 2 June in Umbriaconcludes the cycle of the staycation and doing vestibules for the summer holidays.

Usually at this time of the proximity of the summer is felt by giving warm temperatures and sunny days are ideal for those who want to spend a few days away from home

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Quintana Tournament

Foligno (PG) annually hosts the Giostra della Quintana , annual historical event (revived in 1946 after a century break, ed) inspired by the medieval equestrian competition and that will bring the city back to a time when women were “Dame” and men “Sir”.

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Castelluccio di Norcia is a town located in the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains, at an altitude of 1452 meters and a few kilometers (about 28) from Norcia (PG), in Valnerina.

The village is located on top of a hill, in the middle of a plateau in front of the Mount Carrier. The plateau is divided into 3 levels: Pian Grande; Small and Pian Pian Lost. For a total of 15 km², that during the year appear chromatically “poor.”

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Il Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto (PG), chiamato anche lo Spoleto Festival o The Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto (PG), also called the Spoleto Festival or Spoleto Festival dei 2Mondi , is one of the oldest and most important festivals in Umbria, as well as an event of worldwide and for a while the only of its kind in Italy ..
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Donation of the Holy Thorn MUTTON (EASTER TIME AND FROM August 15)

Edificato nella parte più alta di un colle che domina la confluenza dei fiumi Tevere e Carpina, Montone è un piccolo borgo medioevale perfettamente conservato ed immutato nei secoli. Possenti mura circondano l’abitato e conferiscono allo stesso un aspetto austero,unnamed illeggiadrito tuttavia dallo svettar delle sue torri campanarie. Le vie strette e tortuose si snodano e si alternano alle ampie scalinate che percorrono il centro storico. La sua origine risale al X secolo e già nel 1121 il borgo fortificato, seppur sotto il diretto controllo di Perugia , aveva la possibilità di darsi degli statuti e di amministrare la cosa pubblica attraverso i propri maggiorenti.

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Umbria Jazz

The largest and most famous festival in Umbria!

Who does not know Umbria Jazz , one of the festival Jazz among the most famous in Italy? 10 days of the month of July where Perugia is dedicated and embraces the best of jazz (and not only) Italian and international, including the Arena Santa Giuliana, the Teatro Pavone, the Oratorio Santa Cecilia, Piazza IV Novembre and the Carducci gardens.

The Festival was born officially on August 23, 1973 , concert of Aktuala and orchestra of Thad Jones and Mel Lewis, in whose ranks militated a young Dee Dee Bridgewater, the natural theater of Villalago Piediluco (TR). About the efforts of Carlo Pagnotta, trader Perugia jazz fan. 
The formula of the event of the early years is decidedly different than the current: traveling and free, including some of the most beautiful places of the Green Heart of Italy as, over Villalago, square the People of Todi, Piazza IV Novembre in Perugia, the Roman theater in Gubbio, the Albornoz fortress in Spoleto and Piazza San Francesco in Umbertide.


The most delicious festival of Italy!

Eurochocolate  is undoubtedly the event dedicated to  chocolate  most important of ‘ Umbria , if not Italy. It is held annually in  October  in  Perugia .

The origins of this event date back to 1994 and to the creative architect Eugenio Guarducci. Since then it has been a continuous crescendo of public and successful.

Dedicated to the tradition of Italian and international chocolate, every year within the event are set up food stands of chocolate manufacturers and organized many events, shows, cultural events that animate the streets and squares of the historic center of the capital city of Umbria.

Inevitable “events in the event” the Chocolate Sculptures for example, made by skilled sculptors who delight to carve blocks of chocolate of 1 m³ volume and obtain real works of art that are on display for the duration of the event.During the processing of the statues million chocolate chips are given in free distribution to the general public which reached Perugia in those days.

Fixture is also the special section  Eurochocolate World , with which the cocoa-producing countries have the Rocca Paolina their habits, customs, traditions and typical products based on cocoa.

Bridge November 1 Umbria

The “ bridge of All Saints “,” 1st of November “or” Bridge of the dead “, is the first break, the first holiday since we return to work from their summer holidays. To spend with their loved ones and the people you love, full of fun, relaxing break or, perhaps in one of the comfortable farmhouses in Umbria .

The autumn advances, and the chance to do outdoor activities diminish. But it is also the time of collection of the truffle  winter, the  white , the tuber magnatum pico, the truffle. Of  oils  and  new wines , the  mushrooms  and all the woodland products such as  blueberries  blackberries  raspberries  honey  and  chestnuts : around the  Green Heart of Italy  you will find dozens of fairs, events and farms that allow you to taste and buy the excellent and typical Umbrian products. Immersed in folklore, at parties, in re-enactments of ancient crafts and even in the “beast of the dead”, present in almost every town, probably the days in support of All Saints are the right choice for  connoisseurs who want to visit the ‘ Umbria 

Culture  art  and  faith  can not miss. For 365 days this beautiful region offers natural wonders such as the  Marmore Falls , the  Lake Trasimeno  and the  Clitunno sources . And city full of history and charm as  Assisi  Gubbio  Todi Orvieto  Trevi  Spello  Narni  Norcia  Cascia  
Not to mention that the various  theater seasons of Umbria  in this period are now  initiated . And that some  shows interesting and quality is always in the center of Italy.

Christmas Tree of Gubbio, the biggest Christmas tree in the world

Gubbio (PG) and Christmas are a marriage that has lasted since 1981, when on the slopes of Mount Ingino was decided to “build”, in honor of the Patron Saint Ubaldo, a Christmas tree up over 650 meters with more than 250 bright spots of green, 300 multicolored lights and a star on the top surface of 1,000 m² designed by 200 lights. An accomplishment that could not go unnoticed, and in fact in 1991 he entered the Guinness Book of World Records as “The World’s Largest Christmas Tree . ”

L ‘ Christmas tree largest in the world is lit every year on the eve of the Immaculate Conception, December 7th.Remains active throughout the holiday season, until the day of the Epiphany, January 6, or a little over.

Many important people (except for the first fitting, 1981-1987, ed) in passing editions have had the honor of lighting the Christmas tree of Gubbio. For example in 2011 to push the button was Pope Benedict XVI .

L ‘2013 edition saw turn the Christmas tree largest in the world, on December 7 , 2013, by  Don Francesco Soddu , Director of CARITAS  Italian. The aim was to give due emphasis to the invaluable contribution that the voluntary sector is giving in these times so difficult to meet the emergencies of many Italian families and for the reception of the thousands of migrants who arrive in our country.

For more information please visit the official website of the Christmas Tree of Gubbio .

This year will be Pope Francis to turn on the tree Christmas largest in the world, the December 7 next.

On December 7, there will be the official ceremony of ignition in Martyrs Square 40, (Gubbio) starting at 18.00.

The tree will remain lit from dusk into the night throughout the Christmas period until January 10 next.

Christmas Umbria

L ‘ Umbria is one of the Italian regions by historical tradition, folk, religious and artistic oldest and most important. No exception one of the most important holidays of the year, Christmas . Rewarding those who want to pass in an intimate, serene and collected. But even those who do not make it to stand still, and want to take advantage of these holidays to admire the length and breadth of the nature and the art of this beautiful region. Not forgetting the pleasures of the table.

And the Green Heart of Italy breathe and perspire extensively the Christmas atmosphere. From the traditional Christmas markets , you will find that from north to south, from east to west. Not only Strennas Markets, but also crafts, hobbies, antiques, food and wine.

>> Do you want to experience the magic of Christmas in Umbria and see the most beautiful Christmas markets?Watch Now the list of hotels in Perugia and discover the offers 

There are also many Nativity scenes . And how could it be otherwise, since they “invented” St. Francis of Assisi in Greccio in 1223? In Umbria there are all kinds: from the inside of a well, the Nativity in the Well of Orvieto, to that living Marcellano, Gualdo Cattaneo, who has earned the small Umbrian village the nickname “Bethlehem Umbra”;from overviews of the cribs like those of Massa Martana and Cascia to the scenes of the Nativity “water” as the nativity scene of Marmore. Real works of art, worthy of a visit.

Christmas in Umbria are also concerts and sing Christmas . All the larger towns in the region, such as Perugia, Terni, Città di Castello, Narni, Assisi, Todi, Gubbio, Marsciano, Cascia and Norcia, and its churches, auditoriums and squares, home in December choirs, bagpipers, gospel, Gregorian chant and classical music. Beautiful places and engaging performances.

We want to talk about the lights ? In addition to the lighted streets of almost every village and town in Umbria, 2 installations certainly steal the scene, active by the Immaculate until Epiphany:

  • the ‘ Christmas Tree of Gubbio, the biggest Christmas tree in the world , since 1991 in the Guinness Book of World Records as “The World’s Largest Christmas Tree” (electronic ed);
  • the Star of Miranda , Terni , considered the star of the world’s largest man-made. Located on the hill of the medieval village of Miranda , illuminates and dominates the Terni basin with its 3 hectares, 105 meters in diameter and a queue of 350 meters. The shape is formed by about 100 lamps, with 9 km of electric cables.

New Year in Umbria

You love tranquility , and you like to spend the New Year’s Eve away from everyone, with your loved ones and / or relatives? Or you love being around people and celebrate the New Year in the square ? The Green Heart of Italy can offer both. And much more. 
And what’s better than sleeping in a relaxing holiday in Umbria after a night of celebration?


In the first case , you will find many quality accommodation, a few kilometers from the towns or in the nature. Do not believe us? Check our page with offers for the New Year in Umbria. 
If you love the “chaos” of the squares , you will be spoiled for choice. All major towns in Umbria, such as Perugia, Terni, Città di Castello, Gubbio, Todi, Marsciano and Spoleto, organize concerts and festival in the main squares.

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